You may have heard of Kiwy breast pump from one of your mummy friends by now. It's elegant, it's classy, it has higher specs than many breast pumps in the market and cheaper, it's affordable, it's heavy duty, it's hospital grade, it massages and it has this special suckling mode which goes by 3 suckles 2 pauses - closely mimicking baby's natural suckling pattern. It's also number 1 selling on Tmall.
Well, these are all its marketing claims. Now, let's read what the happy users have to say:
Review 1:
My baby is a small eater and almost never really empty my breasts, which sometimes causes me engorgement. I thought of getting a breast pump to help me on this.🤱
After doing some thorough research, I chose Kiwy hospital grade breast pump. Its design is pretty and elegant, uses only safety certified materials, 😍 odourless, easy to dismantle for cleaning and fast assemble for using, which is great news for busy mom. Large battery capacity which lasts for 2 to 3 days of outing trips, and I'm certainly very happy with this. 😘
Original review from mummy Sharmaine:
Review 2:
First time that I'd like to review a product! I regret it took me so long to decide on Kiwy! It's simply amazing, rescue me out of my anxiety during confinement. ❤️
I had 2 breast pumps which didn't work well, made me wonder if I had enough milk and if my baby was well fed. Thankfully a friend recommended Kiwy and totally a game changer. 😍
It has 15 level suction adjustment, milk started coming out even at massaging mode. I cried the first time I used it and saw milk coming out, and filling up the bottle quickly. I got 80ml in a short duration. I should have bought it earlier and gave myself an easy confinement! 😉
第一次买东西想主动来评价!真的真的真的后悔买迟了! 这个吸奶器真的是神器!拯救了月子中焦虑的我。之前用过两个吸奶器都吸不出奶,不确定自己奶水情况和宝宝每顿大概吸了多少奶,每天在怀疑自己奶水少和担心宝宝吃不饱中煎熬着。还好有人给我推荐这个kiwy,用过后真香啊!不仅有15档双核双吸 吸乳还高效。还在开始按摩时就出奶啦!猝不及防,感动到哭!很快挤了80ml出来,谁说我奶水不足! 好东西,应该早点买,我的月子会坐得更好!
Review 3:
I'm a mummy with good supply of breast milk. After direct nursing, I'll have to pump to empty my breasts properly to avoid me getting engorgement or plugged ducts. 😊
Kiwy feels like my baby's direct suckling, no discomfort, and it's efficient in emptying the breasts and preventing plugged ducts. I'm happy and proud to see the output. 😁
15 levels suction adjustment is awesome that I can adjust my preference and comfort level easily. Highly recommended! 😍
我就是属于奶水很多的人,喂完宝宝,还需要用吸奶器。用这款吸奶器感觉就像宝宝在吸乳一样,没有什么 不适感,很有效的就排空了,没有产生堵奶的现象。每次看见吸出来的奶水好有成就感!!!15档变频调节,可以轻松找到舒适的档位,非常好用!
Review 4:
Received my Kiwy. It's a great breast pump with affordable price. I'm a low supply mom, hoping to get a good breast pump to increase my yield. I chose a double breast pump to save time on pumping. It's a great choice with Kiwy, it has 3 modes which are expression, stimulation and "suckling" mode. Regular breast pumps have only 2 modes. 15 suction adjustment levels according to individual's need and preference. I'm happy with my output and result. I also love the PPSU feeding bottles which I can pump and feed directly from the same bottle too!
There are plenty more reviews by moms, which we have posted on our IG. Follow us at fabulousmom.official to know more.
Demo unit is available should you wish to test out this awesome product. Waze or Google Fabulous Mom Puchong Flagship Store (10am to 7pm daily including public holidays).
Learn more about this product online here.
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January 28, 2025